Need Help? Call Us: 866.324.8081

Reclaim Freedom from Bulimia

We believe in you.

At Selah House, you can achieve recovery and sustained freedom from bulimia and other eating disorders.

The programs and passionate clinicians at our Christ-centered eating disorder treatment center focus on the individual, not the symptoms, and consider the whole person to ensure long-term recovery. We use the same approach when it comes to covering the cost of care. Our skilled financial team works on your behalf with insurance companies and we tailor payment plans to help your recovery be more affordable at Selah.


Other Eating Disorders We Treat

anorexia treatment
bdd treatment
bulimia treatment
compulsive exercise treatment
osfed treatment
Girl petting a horse during equine therapy for eating disorder recovery

Patient Stories

The Christian values and a holistic approach to treatment gave Kammie what she needed to move forward in her recovery journey. She shares, “I found God at Selah house. I am a Christian, but at Selah House, I felt I could be open and talk about God. I also realized I couldn’t get through treatment without God.” At Selah House, we provide Christian eating disorder treatment, which means we regard every person as a spiritual being on a human journey. We treat the whole being with therapeutic psychiatric, medical, and nutritional care to support them physically, spiritually, and emotionally during their recovery.

Custom Treatment Programs

We offer faith-based treatment programs for women and girls suffering from eating disorders. Our custom treatment program options include:
  • Inpatient
  • Residential
  • Partial Hospitalization Program
  • Teen Program
  • Aftercare
nutritional care at Selah House

“I experienced love at my messiest, and because of
love I know fighting for recovery is worth it.”


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